FullSpectrum Values
1. Community/Diversity
Loving one another in Christ, we affirm, appreciate, and respect our similarities and differences as one body.
2. Accountability
Holding each other to God’s standards, we encourage the pursuit of holiness and excellence.
3. Teachability
Believing in lifelong transformation, we learn from God, with one another and from each other.
4. Prayerfulness
Uniting ourselves in prayer, we subject ourselves to God’s will and direction.
5. Compassion
Holistically addressing brokenness, alienation, and marginalization, we express agape love for our neighbors.
6. Creativity
Reflecting the image of God, we innovatively use and express the full spectrum of God-given gifts.
7. Adaptability
Relying on the unchanging Word of God, we endeavor to lead with His guidance to navigate the changing moral and cultural environment.
8. Collaboration/Connectivity
Being empowered by the Holy Spirit, we engage different individuals/groups in mutual partnerships with focused Kingdom purposes and outcomes.